Thursday, December 30, 2010

endonasal DCR vis-a-vis external DCR

Endoscopic DCR External DCR
Advantages Disadvantages
No external scar Cutaneous scar
Relatively blood less Relatively more
surgery bleeding during
Better visualisation of
nasal pathology
Less chances of injury to Potential injury to
ethmoidal vessels and adjacent medial
cribri form plate. canthus structures
Less time consuming More operating time
(15-30 mins) since nasal (45-60 minutes)
mucosal flaps and sac
wall flaps are not made.
No post operative Significant
morbidity postoperative
Disadvantages Advantages
Less success rate More success rate
(70-90%) (95%)
Requires skilled ophthal- Easily performed by
mologist and/or rhinologist. ophthalmologists
Expensive equipment Cheap (expensive
equipment not
Requires reasonable Does not require
access to middle familiarity with
meatus and familiarity endoscopic
with endoscopic anatomy. anatomy

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good article by which I learned about endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery, this blog is very useful for those who are suffering from eye problems. Thank you for such blogs.
